Team name Location League Level Status
Aaronville Lions Foley, Alabama high school defunct
Abraham Lincoln Lions San Jose, California high school active
Academia Christian Lions Arlington, Texas high school active
Academy of Notre Dame Lions Tyngsboro, Massachusetts high school active
Academy of the New Church Lions Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania high school active
ACHF HomeSchool Lions Joplin, Missouri high school active
Adelphi Christian Academy Lions Billings, Montana high school active
Adelson Lions Las Vegas, Nevada high school active
Adrian Lions Adrian, Michigan Southern Michigan Association professional defunct
Albany Lions Albany, Texas high school active
Albion Lions Albion, Illinois high school defunct
Albright College Lions Reading, Pennsylvania college active
Aletheia Christian Academy Lions Pensacola, Florida high school active
Alhambra Lions Phoenix, Arizona high school active
Alief Taylor Lions Houston, Texas high school active
Alpha Omega Academy Lions Huntsville, Texas high school active
Altoona Lions Altoona, Pennsylvania high school active
Anchorage Christian Lions Anchorage, Alaska high school active
Arbor Christian Academy Lions Amarillo, Texas high school active
Archbishop Carroll Lions Washington, D.C. high school active
Arkansas Lions Fort Smith, Arkansas Central Football League professional active
Arlington Christian Lions Arlington, Washington high school active
Arlington Lions Riverside, California high school active
Ascension Christian Academy Lions Gonzales, Louisiana high school active
Asheville Christian Academy Lions Asheville, North Carolina high school active
Ashley Lions Ashley, North Dakota high school defunct
Assembly Christian Lions New Iberia, Louisiana high school active
Auburn Mountainview Lions Auburn, Washington high school active
Augusta Christian Lions Martinez, Georgia high school active
Awaken Christian Academy Lions Las Vegas, Nevada high school active
Baker Lions Columbus, Georgia high school defunct
Bakersfield Lions Bakersfield, Missouri high school active
Banks Lions Baltimore, Maryland high school active
Bassick Lions Bridgeport, Connecticut high school active
Baxter Springs Lions Baxter Springs, Kansas high school active
Belfast Lions Belfast, Maine high school active
Believer's Life Lions Harvey, Louisiana high school active
Bellarmine Prep Lions Tacoma, Washington high school active
Berean Christian Academy Lions Monett, Missouri high school defunct
Berkeley Carroll Lions Brooklyn, New York high school active
Berks Christian Lions Birdsboro, Pennsylvania high school active
Bethany Christian Lions Baker, Louisiana high school active
Bexley Lions Columbus, Ohio high school active
Big Stone City Lions Big Stone City, South Dakota high school defunct
Big Valley Christian Lions Modesto, California high school active
Biggersville Lions Corinth, Mississippi high school active
Birch Wathen Lenox Lions New York, New York high school active
Bishop Loughlin Lions Brooklyn, New York high school active
Bishop Quinn Lions Palo Cedro, California high school active
Bishop Ryan Lions Minot, North Dakota high school active
Bishop Ryan/Sawyer Lions Minot, North Dakota high school defunct
Bismarck Lions Bismarck, Arkansas high school active
Blakeney Lions Waynesboro, Georgia high school defunct
Blanchard Lions Blanchard, Oklahoma high school active
Blooming Grove Lions Blooming Grove, Texas high school active
Bluestem Lions Leon, Kansas high school active
Borah Lions Boise, Idaho high school active
Boteler Lions Holt, Alabama high school defunct
Boyd County Lions Ashland, Kentucky high school active
Bradshaw Christian Lions Sacramento, California high school active
Bradwell Institute Lions Hinesville, Georgia high school defunct
Brantford Lions Brantford, Ontario Ontario Hockey Association professional defunct
Bremen Lions Bremen, Indiana high school active
Briarwood Christian Lions Birmingham, Alabama high school active
Brillion Lions Brillion, Wisconsin high school active
Brindlee Mountain Lions Guntersville, Alabama high school active
British Columbia Lions Vancouver, British Columbia Canadian Football League professional active
British Columbia Lions Vancouver, British Columbia Western Inter-provincal Football Union professional defunct
Broadfording Christian Academy Lions Hagerstown, Maryland high school active
Brooklyn Lions Brooklyn, New York National Football League professional defunct
Brooks Lions Killen, Alabama high school active
Brown Mackie College Lions Salina, Kansas college active
Brownsville Lions Brownsville, Indiana high school defunct
Brownwood Lions Brownwood, Texas high school active
Bryan College Lions Dayton, Tennessee college active
Bryn Athyn College Lions Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania college active
Burlington Christian Lions Burlington, Iowa high school active
Byers Lions Holly Springs, Mississippi high school active
Cair Paravel Lions Topeka, Kansas high school active
Calvary Academy Lions Denton, Texas high school active
Calvary Chapel Christian Lions Las Vegas, Nevada high school active
Calvary Chapel Lions Moreno Valley, California high school active
Calvary Christian Academy Lions Ormond Beach, Florida high school active
Calvary Christian Lions Vista, California high school active
Calvary Lutheran Lions Jefferson City, Missouri high school defunct
Cambridge Lions Dallas, Texas high school active
Camden Central Lions Camden, Tennessee high school active
Camp Hill Lions Camp Hill, Pennsylvania high school active
Cannon County Lions Woodbury, Tennessee high school active
Capitol Lions Baton Rouge, Louisiana high school active
Cardinal O'Hara Lions Springfield, Pennsylvania high school active
Cardinal O'Hara Lions Philadelphia, Pennsylvania high school active
Cardinal Ritter Lions St. Louis, Missouri high school active
Cardinal Stritch Lions Keokuk, Iowa high school active
Carolina Lions , North Carolina Gridiron Developmental Football League active
Carter Lions Rialto, California high school active
Carterville Lions Carterville, Illinois high school active
Carver Lions Dothan, Alabama high school defunct
Castleberry Lions Fort Worth, Texas high school active
Cathedral City Lions Cathedral City, California high school active
Catherine McAuley Lions Portland, Maine high school defunct
Cedar Park Christian Lions Mill Creek, Washington high school active
Cenla Christian Academy Lions Pineville, Louisiana high school active
Central Lions Sylvania, Georgia high school defunct
Central Lions Carrollton, Georgia high school active
Central Lions Hayneville, Alabama high school active
Central Lyon Lions Rock Rapids, Iowa high school active
Central Lyon-George-Little Rock Lions Rock Rapids, Iowa high school active
Central Ohio Lions Fairborn, Ohio Mid Continental Football League professional defunct
Central Texas Christian Lions Temple, Texas high school active
Certified Lions FC Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Major Arena Soccer League 2 professional active
Chaminade-Madonna Lions Hollywood, Florida high school active
Champagnat Catholic Lions Hialeah, Florida high school active
Chandler Lions Chandler, Oklahoma high school active
Charles County Lions Charles County, Maryland East Coast Football Alliance active
Charles E. Smith Jewish Day Lions Rockville, Maryland high school active
Charleston City Lions Charleston, South Carolina American Basketball Association professional defunct
Chelmsford Lions Chelmsford, Massachusetts high school active
Chelsea Lions New York, New York high school active
Cherry Hill West Lions Cherry Hill, New Jersey high school active
Chestnut Ridge Lions New Paris, Pennsylvania high school active
Chicago Lions Chicago, Illinois USA Rugby Super League professional active
Chicago Lourdes Lions Chicago, Illinois high school defunct
Christ Presbyterian Academy Lions Nashville, Tennessee high school active
Christ's Household of Faith Lions St. Paul, Minnesota high school active
Christian Heritage Lions Dalton, Georgia high school active
Christian Outreach Lions Hillsboro, Missouri high school active
Cincinnatus Central Lions Cincinnatus, New York high school active
City Christian Lions Portland, Oregon high school active
City University School of Liberal Arts Lions Memphis, Tennessee high school active
Clarendon Lions Clarendon, Arkansas high school active
Clarion-Limestone Lions Strattanville, Pennsylvania high school active
Clark Township Lions Clark Township, Indiana high school defunct
Clarke County Training Lions Coffeeville, Alabama high school defunct
Clear Lake Lions Clear Lake, Iowa high school active
Cleveland Lions Cleveland, Ohio Mid Continental Football League professional defunct
Clint Lions Clint, Texas high school active
College of Mount St. Joseph Lions Cincinnati, Ohio college defunct
Colorado Springs Christian Lions Colorado Springs, Colorado high school active
Columbia Central Lions Columbia, Tennessee high school active
Columbia Independent Lions Columbia, Missouri high school active
Columbia Lions Hunters, Washington high school active
Columbia Prep Lions New York, New York high school active
Columbia University Lions New York, New York college active
Columbus Lions Columbus, Georgia American Indoor Football professional defunct
Columbus Lions Columbus, Georgia American Indoor Football Association professional defunct
Columbus Lions Columbus, Georgia National Arena League professional active
Columbus Lions Columbus, Georgia World Indoor Football League professional defunct
Community Christian Lions Orange, Texas high school active
Community College of Baltimore County-Dundalk Lions Baltimore, Maryland college active
Concrete Lions Concrete, Washington high school active
Coram Deo Academy Lions Flower Mound, Texas high school active
Cordia Lions Hazard, Kentucky high school active
Cottage Grove Lions Cottage Grove, Oregon high school active
Covenant Christian Lions Panama City, Florida high school active
Covenant Christian Lions Palm Bay, Florida high school active
Covenant Day Lions Matthews, North Carolina high school active
Covington Lions Covington, Louisiana high school active
Cranfills Gap Lions Cranfills Gap, Texas high school active
Crocker Lions Crocker, Missouri high school active
Crossville Lions Crossville, Alabama high school active
Crown Regional Lions South China, Maine high school defunct
Dallas Lutheran Lions Dallas, Texas high school active
Damascus Lions Damascus, Georgia high school defunct
Daniel Lions Central, South Carolina high school active
Dayspring Christian Academy Lions Blacksburg, Virginia high school active
Decatur Lutheran Lions Decatur, Illinois high school active
Deering Lions Deering, Missouri high school defunct
DeLaSalle Charter Lions Kansas City, Missouri high school active
Delta Streets Academy Lions Greenwood, Mississippi high school active
Des Moines Christian Lions Des Moines, Iowa high school active
Desire Street Academy Lions Baton Rouge, Louisiana high school active
Desire Street Academy Lions New Orleans, Louisiana high school active
Detroit Lions Detroit, Michigan National Football League professional active
Detroit Lions Detroit, Michigan American Basketball League professional defunct
Douglass Academy Lions New York, New York high school active
Douglass Lions Thomasville, Georgia high school defunct
Dresden Lions Dresden, Tennessee high school active
Dryden Lions Dryden, New York high school active
Dublin Lions Dublin, Texas high school active
Dulaney Lions Timonium, Maryland high school active
Durant Lions Durant, Oklahoma high school active
Duval Lions Duval, Florida Southern States Football League professional defunct
East Mississippi Community College Lions Scooba, Mississippi college active
East Mississippi Junior College Lions Scooba, Mississippi college defunct
East Texas A&M University Lions Commerce, Texas college active
East Texas State College Lions Commerce, Texas college defunct
East Texas State Teachers College Lions Commerce, Texas college defunct
East Texas State University Lions Commerce, Texas college defunct
Eastside Academy Lions Bellevue, Washington high school active
Eastside Lions Lancaster, California high school active
Edgewood Lions West Covina, California high school active
Edwards County Lions Albion, Illinois high school active
El Dorado Lions El Dorado, Arkansas East Dixie League professional defunct
El Dorado Lions El Dorado, Arkansas Dixie League professional defunct
El Dorado Lions El Dorado, Arkansas Cotton States League professional defunct
El Molino Lions Forestville, California high school active
El Monte Lions El Monte, California high school active
Elizabethtown-Lewis Central Lions Elizabethtown, New York high school active
Elk Valley Lions Longton, Kansas high school active
Elliott County Lions Sandy Hook, Kentucky high school active
Emerson College Lions Boston, Massachusetts college active
Emmanuel Baptist Lions Irving, Texas high school active
Emmanuel Christian Academy Lions Springfield, Ohio high school active
Emmanuel College Lions Franklin Springs, Georgia college active
England Lions England, Arkansas high school active
Ennis Lions Ennis, Texas high school active
Etna Lions Etna, California high school active
Eureka Lions Eureka, Montana high school active
Evangel Christian Academy Lions Montgomery, Alabama high school active
Evansville Lincoln Lions Evansville, Indiana high school defunct
Fairfax Lions Fairfax, Virginia high school active
Fairfax Lions Los Angeles, California high school active
Fairfield Lions Leesburg, Ohio high school active
Faith Christian Academy Lions Griffin, Georgia high school active
Faith Christian Academy Lions Sellersville, Pennsylvania high school active
Faith Christian Academy Lions Orlando, Florida high school active
Faith Christian Lions Roseto, Pennsylvania high school active
Faith Christian Lions Grapevine, Texas high school active
Faith Christian Lions El Paso, Texas high school active
Faith Christian Lions Guntown, Mississippi high school active
Faith Christian Lions Yuba City, California high school active
Faith Christian Lions Anniston, Alabama high school active
Faith Lions Roanoke, Alabama high school active
Faith Lions Burton, Michigan high school active
Fayetteville Lions Fayetteville, Indiana high school defunct
Fayetteville Lions Fayetteville, Texas high school active
Fellowship Christian Academy Lions Jacksonville, North Carolina high school active
Finlandia University Lions Hancock, Michigan college active
First Assembly Christian Lions Ashland, Alabama high school active
Flora Lions Flora, Mississippi high school defunct
Florida Memorial College Lions Miami Gardens, Florida college defunct
Florida Memorial University Lions Miami Gardens, Florida college active
Floyd Lions Floyd, Iowa high school defunct
Foley Lions Foley, Alabama high school active
Foran Lions Milford, Connecticut high school active
Forman Lions Litchfield, Connecticut high school active
Fort Garry Lions Winnipeg, Manitoba Canadian Junior Football League amateur defunct
Fort Lauderdale Lions Fort Lauderdale, Florida Florida International League professional defunct
Fort Smith Lions Fort Smith, Arkansas Central Football League active
Fort Zumwalt East Lions St. Peters, Missouri high school active
Foundation Academy Lions Winter Garden, Florida high school active
Franklin County Lions Carnesville, Georgia high school active
Franklin Lions Franklin, Texas high school active
Frederick Douglass Academy III Lions Bronx, New York high school active
Freed-Hardeman University Lions Henderson, Tennessee college active
French Settlement Lions French Settlement, Louisiana high school active
Galileo Lions San Francisco, California high school active
Garfield Lions San Diego, California high school active
Gary Lighthouse Lions Gary, Indiana high school active
Gateway Community College Lions New Haven, Connecticut college active
Gateway Lions , Florida active
General Brown Lions Dexter, New York high school active
Geneva Lions Geneva, Iowa high school defunct
Georgia Lions , Georgia Universal Basketball Association professional active
Georgian Court College Lions Lakewood, New Jersey college defunct
Georgian Court University Lions Lakewood, New Jersey college active
Gerlach Lions Gerlach, Nevada high school active
Gilbert Lions Gilbert, West Virginia high school defunct
Girard Alliance Christian Academy Lions Girard, Pennsylvania high school active
Gloria Deo Academy Lions Springfield, Missouri high school active
Gloucester City Lions Gloucester City, New Jersey high school active
Goddard Lions Goddard, Kansas high school active
Governor French Academy Lions Belleville, Illinois high school active
Grace Christian Lions West Columbia, South Carolina high school active
Grace Prep Lions Arlington, Texas high school active
Gracemont Lions Gracemont, Oklahoma high school active
Granger Lions Granger, Texas high school active
Granville Christian Academy Lions Granville, Ohio high school active
Gravette Lions Gravette, Arkansas high school active
Great Hearts Monte Vista Lions San Antonio, Texas high school active
Greater Portland Christian Lions South Portland, Maine high school active
Green Cove Lions Green Cove Springs, Florida National Indoor Football League professional defunct
Greenville Lions Greenville, South Carolina USL Premier Development League amateur defunct
Greenville Lions Greenville, Alabama Alabama-Florida League professional defunct
Greenville Lions Greenville, Alabama United Soccer Leagues-Division 2 professional defunct
Greenville Lions Greenville, Texas high school active
Groveton Lions Alexandria, Virginia high school defunct
Growing Lights Christian Academy Lions Barron, Wisconsin high school active
H-Town Christian Lions San Diego, California high school active
Haleyville Lions Haleyville, Alabama high school active
Hamburg Lions Hamburg, Arkansas high school active
Hamilton Lions Hamilton, Mississippi high school active
Harding Academy Lions Memphis, Tennessee high school active
Harrington Lions Harrington, Delaware high school defunct
Harts Lions Harts, West Virginia high school defunct
Harvest Christian Lions Oklahoma City, Oklahoma high school active
Harvest Time Christian Academy Lions Abbeville, Louisiana high school active
Haven Christian Academy Lions Winter Haven, Florida high school active
Haworth Lions Haworth, Oklahoma high school active
Hazelton Lions Hazelton, Indiana high school defunct
Hebron Christian Academy Lions Dacula, Georgia high school active
Henderson Lions Henderson, Texas high school active
Heritage Christian Academy Lions Midlothian, Virginia high school active
Hernando Christian Academy Lions Brooksville, Florida high school active
Herrick Lions Herrick, South Dakota high school defunct
Hickory Grove Christian Lions Charlotte, North Carolina high school active
Hillsborough Baptist Lions Seffner, Florida high school active
Holland Lions Holland, Missouri high school defunct
Holy Redeemer Lions Detroit, Michigan high school defunct
HomeSchool Lions Carmel, Indiana high school active
Hope Christian Lions Independence, Missouri high school active
Hope Lions Hope, Kansas high school active
Horace Mann Lions Riverdale, New York high school active
Horatio Lions Horatio, Arkansas high school active
Hosanna Christian Lions Klamath Falls, Oregon high school active
Houston County Lions Columbia, Alabama high school active
Howard Lions Ellicott City, Maryland high school active
Howe Lions Howe, Oklahoma high school active
Hubbertville Lions Hubbertville, Alabama high school active
Hughes Lions Clifton, Tennessee high school active
Huntingdon Christian Academy Lions Huntingdon, Pennsylvania high school active
Immaculate Conception Lions Montclair, New Jersey high school active
Intermountain Christian Lions Salt Lake City, Utah high school active
James Island Christian Lions Charleston, South Carolina high school active
Jefferson County Training Lions Louisville, Georgia high school defunct
Jefferson Lions Jefferson, Oregon high school active
Jessieville Lions Jessieville, Arkansas high school active
JSerra Catholic Lions San Juan Capistrano, California high school active
Julesburg Lions Julesburg, Colorado high school active
Junipero Serra Lions San Juan Capistrano, California high school active
Justice College Lions Chandler, Arizona college active
Kaahumanu Hou Christian Lions Kahului, Hawaii high school active
Kalvary Lions Peoria, Arizona Arizona Cactus Football League professional active
Kansas City East Christian HomeSchool Lions Belton, Missouri high school active
Kaufman Lions Kaufman, Texas high school active
KC East Christian Lions Overland Park, Kansas high school active
Kelton Lions Kelton, Texas high school active
Kenedy Lions Kenedy, Texas high school active
Kennewick Lions Kennewick, Washington high school active
Kent School Lions Kent, Connecticut high school active
Keota Lions Keota, Oklahoma high school active
Kerman Lions Kerman, California high school active
King Lions Tampa, Florida high school active
King's Academy Lions Seymour, Tennessee high school active
King's Academy Lions Florence, South Carolina high school active
King's Academy Lions West Palm Beach, Florida high school active
Kingwood Christian Lions Alabaster, Alabama high school active
Kountze Lions Kountze, Texas high school active
La Feria Lions La Feria, Texas high school active
La Moille Lions La Moille, Illinois high school active
Lacey Township Lions Lanoka Harbor, New Jersey high school active
Lackawanna Trail Lions Factoryville, Pennsylvania high school active
Lacordaire Academy Lions Upper Montclair, New Jersey high school active
Lafayette Lions Lafayette, Louisiana Mid Continental Football League professional defunct
Lafayette Lions Lafayette, Louisiana high school active
LaGrange Lions LaGrange, Indiana high school defunct
Lake Creek Lions Montgomery, Texas high school active
Lake Nona Lions Orlando, Florida high school active
Lake Ridge Academy Lions North Ridgeville, Ohio high school active
Lakeside Christian Lions Clearwater, Florida high school active
Lakeside Lions Seattle, Washington high school active
Lakeview Academy Lions Gainesville, Georgia high school active
Lakeview Christian Academy Lions Duluth, Minnesota high school active
Lakeview Christian Lions Marion, Indiana high school active
Lakewood Christian Lions McAlester, Oklahoma high school active
Lamar Christian Lions Purvis, Mississippi high school active
Lambert Lions Lambert, Montana high school active
Lambert/Richey Lions Lambert, Montana high school active
Landmark Christian Academy Lions Louisville, Kentucky high school active
Langford Lions Langford, South Dakota high school active
Langston University Lions Langston, Oklahoma college active
Lanham Christian Lions Lanham, Maryland high school active
Lankin Lions Lankin, North Dakota high school defunct
Lanphier Lions Springfield, Illinois high school active
Lansing Lions Lansing, Kansas high school active
Lapeer County Lions Lapeer County, Michigan United States Football Alliance amateur active
Largo Lions Upper Marlboro, Maryland high school active
LaSalle Royal Lions Miami, Florida high school active
Lauderdale Lions Lauderdale, Florida Southeast Football League active
Laurel Christian Lions Laurel, Mississippi high school active
Lawrence Lions Lawrence, Indiana high school defunct
Leake-Watts Lions Yonkers, New York high school active
Leander Lions Leander, Texas high school active
Leeds Lions Leeds, North Dakota high school defunct
Legacy Christian Academy Lions Andover, Minnesota high school active
Legacy Christian Lions Sparks, Nevada high school active
Legacy Christian/PACT Charter Lions Anoka, Minnesota high school active
Legacy Early College Lions Greenville, South Carolina high school active
Legacy Prep Lions Woods Cross, Utah high school active
Lehman Lions Bronx, New York high school active
Lena Lions Lena, Illinois high school defunct
Lenihan Lions Lenihan, Iowa high school defunct
Leo Lions Leo, Indiana high school active
Leo Lions Chicago, Illinois high school active
Leon Lions Tallahassee, Florida high school active
Leone Lions Pago Pago, Hawaii high school active
Leonia Lions Leonia, New Jersey high school active
Leveretts Chapel Lions Overton, Texas high school active
Lewis County Lions Vanceburg, Kentucky high school active
Lewisville Lions Richburg, South Carolina high school active
Leyden Lions Leyden, Illinois MidStates Football League active
Liberty Center Lions Liberty Center, Indiana high school defunct
Liberty Christian Lions Anderson, Indiana high school active
Liberty Classical Academy Lions White Bear Lake, Minnesota high school active
Liberty Lions Jackson, New Jersey high school active
Liberty Lions Peoria, Arizona high school active
Liberty Lions Sykesville, Maryland high school active
Liberty Lions Brentwood, California high school active
Liberty Township Lions Chesterton, Indiana high school active
Liberty Union Lions Baltimore, Ohio high school active
Life Academy Lions Kissimmee, Florida high school active
Life Charter Academy Lions Dallas, Texas high school active
Life Christian Lions Aloha, Oregon high school active
Lifegate Christian Lions Eugene, Oregon high school active
Lighthouse Christian Lions Antioch, Tennessee high school active
Lighthouse Christian Lions Twin Falls, Idaho high school active
Lily Lake Lions Lily Lake, Illinois high school defunct
Lincoln County Lions Eureka, Montana high school active
Lincoln Lions Lincoln, Illinois Midwest Basketball League professional active
Lincoln Lions Lincoln, Rhode Island high school active
Lincoln Lions Jersey City, New Jersey high school active
Lincoln Park Lions Chicago, Illinois high school active
Lincoln University Lions Lincoln University, Pennsylvania college active
Lincoln-Lee Township Lions Albert City, Iowa high school defunct
Linden Hall School for Girls Lions Lititz, Pennsylvania high school active
Linden Lions Linden, California high school active
Lindenwold Lions Lindenwold, New Jersey high school active
Lindenwood College Lions St. Charles, Missouri college defunct
Lindenwood University Lions St. Charles, Missouri college active
Linesville Lions Linesville, Pennsylvania high school defunct
Linfield Christian Lions Temecula, California high school active
Linn-Mar Lions Marion, Iowa high school active
Linton Lions Linton, North Dakota high school active
Linton/Hazelton-Moffit-Braddock Lions Linton, North Dakota high school active
Lions , Illinois Chicagoland Football League amateur defunct
Lisbon Lions Lisbon, Iowa high school active
Liscomb Lions Liscomb, Iowa high school defunct
Lisle Lions Lisle, Illinois high school active
Lithia Springs Lions Lithia Springs, Georgia high school active
Littleton Lions Littleton, Illinois high school defunct
Littleton Lions Littleton, Colorado high school active
Live Oak Lions Live Oak, California high school active
Living Stones Christian Lions Alvin, Texas high school active
Living Waters Christian School Lions Buxton, Maine high school active
Living Word Academy Lions Lancaster, Pennsylvania high school active
Living Word Academy Lions Syracuse, New York high school active
Livingston Lions Livingston, Texas high school active
Livingstone Adventist Academy Lions Salem, Oregon high school active
Lockhart Academy Lions Acworth, Georgia high school defunct
Lockhart Lions Lockhart, Texas high school active
Lockport Lions Lockport, New York high school active
Lockwood Lions Lockwood, Montana high school active
Lodi Lions Lodi, California California League professional defunct
Loganville Christian Academy Lions Loganville, Georgia high school active
Logos Preparatory Academy Lions Sugar Land, Texas high school active
Lomira Lions Lomira, Wisconsin high school active
London Lions London, England Major League Roller Hockey professional defunct
London Mills Lions London Mills, Illinois high school defunct
Lone Tree Lions Lone Tree, Iowa high school active
Long Beach Lions Long Beach, California LaBelle Community Football League amateur defunct
Long Island Lions New York, New York Five Star Football League active
Longwood Lions Middle Island, New York high school active
Loogootee Lions Loogootee, Indiana high school active
Loretto Lions Sacramento, California high school active
Loris Lions Loris, South Carolina high school active
Los Angeles Leadership Academy Lions Los Angeles, California high school active
Los Angeles Lutheran Lions Sylmar, California high school active
Louisa County Lions Mineral, Virginia high school active
Louisiana New Tech Lions Plain Dealing, Louisiana high school active
Louisville Lions Louisville, Nebraska high school active
Lovelady Lions Lovelady, Texas high school active
Lovett Lions Atlanta, Georgia high school active
Lower Moreland Lions Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania high school active
Lowndes County Training Lions Hayneville, Alabama high school defunct
Loyalton Lions Loyalton, South Dakota high school defunct
Loyola Marymount University Lions Los Angeles, California college active
Lu Verne Lions Lu Verne, Iowa high school defunct
Lucerne Lions Lucerne, Indiana high school defunct
Ludlow Lions Ludlow, Massachusetts high school active
Luella Lions Locust Grove, Georgia high school active
Lusher Charter Lions New Orleans, Louisiana high school active
Lustre Christian Lions Frazer, Montana high school active
Luther Lions Luther, Oklahoma high school active
Lutheran Lions Parker, Colorado high school active
Lutheran Lions Little Rock, Arkansas high school active
Lutheran Lions Dallas, Texas high school active
Lutheran North Lions Houston, Texas high school active
Lutheran of Hawaii Lions Honolulu, Hawaii high school active
Lydia Patterson Institute Lions El Paso, Texas high school active
Lyerly Lions Lyerly, Georgia high school defunct
Lyle Lions Lyle, Minnesota high school active
Lynden Lions Lynden, Washington high school active
Lynn Lions Lynn, Massachusetts New England League professional defunct
Lyons Industrial Lions Lyons, Georgia high school defunct
Lyons Lions Lyons, Kansas Central Kansas League professional defunct
Lyons Lions Lyons, Indiana high school defunct
Lyons Lions Lyons, South Dakota high school defunct
Lyons Lions Lyons, Kansas Kansas State League professional defunct
Lyons Lions Lyons, New York high school active
Lyons Lions Lyons, Kansas high school active
Lyons Lions LaGrange, Illinois high school active
Lyons Lions Lyons, Colorado high school active
Lyons-Muir Lions Lyons, Michigan high school defunct
Macedonian Christian Academy Lions Alamo, Texas high school active
Maeser Prep Lions Lindon, Utah high school active
Maine Girls Academy Lions Portland, Maine active
Makua Lani Christian Lions Holualoa, Hawaii high school active
Manila Lions Manila, Arkansas high school active
Mann Lions Bronx, New York high school active
Mansfield Lions Mansfield, Missouri high school active
Maple Valley Lions Vermontville, Michigan high school active
Marion Lakeview Christian Lions Marion, Indiana high school active
Maritime Academy Lions Baltimore, Maryland high school active
Mars Hill College Lions Mars Hill, North Carolina college defunct
Mars Hill University Lions Mars Hill, North Carolina college active
Marshall Lions Marshall, Illinois high school active
Martin Luther King, Jr. Lions Lithonia, Georgia high school active
Marymount Lions New York, New York high school active
Maryvale Preparatory Lions Brooklandville, Maryland high school active
Massachusetts Pirates Worcester, Massachusetts National Arena League professional defunct
Mater Academy Charter Lions Hialeah Gardens, Florida high school active
Maxwell Lions Maxwell, Indiana high school defunct
Mayville Lions Mayville, North Dakota high school defunct
McClatchy Lions Sacramento, California high school active
McClellan Lions Little Rock, Arkansas high school active
McKinney Lions McKinney, Texas high school active
Meadowbrook Christian Lions Milton, Pennsylvania high school active
Meadowdale Lions Dayton, Ohio high school active
Memphis Academy of Health Sciences Lions Memphis, Tennessee high school active
Miami Valley Christian Academy Lions Cincinnati, Ohio high school active
Middletown North Lions Middletown, New Jersey high school active
Miller-McCoy Academy Lions New Orleans, Louisiana high school active
Milltown Lions Milltown, Alabama high school defunct
Milwaukee Collegiate Academy Lions Milwaukee, Wisconsin high school active
Milwaukee Spectrum Lions Milwaukee, Wisconsin high school active
Minerva Lions Minerva, Ohio high school active
Minneapolis Lions Minneapolis, Kansas high school active
Mira Monte Lions Bakersfield, California high school active
Missouri Southern State University Lions Joplin, Missouri college active
Molloy College Lions Rockville Centre, New York college active
Monsignor Farrell Lions Staten Island, New York high school active
Montgomery Lions Montgomery, Alabama Southeastern League professional defunct
Moore Lions Moore, Oklahoma high school active
Moore Lions Oklahoma City, Oklahoma high school active
Moran Lions Seattle, Washington high school defunct
Moravian Academy Lions Bethlehem, Pennsylvania high school active
Morrill Lions Morrill, Nebraska high school active
Moses Lake Christian Academy Lions Moses Lake, Washington high school active
Mount Airy Christian Academy Lions Mount Airy, Maryland high school active
Mount Alvernia Lions Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania high school active
Mount St. Dominic Academy Lions Caldwell, New Jersey high school active
Mount St. Joseph University Lions Cincinnati, Ohio college active
Mount St. Mary Academy Lions Watchung, New Jersey high school active
Mount Vernon-Ailey Lions Mount Vernon, Georgia high school defunct
Mount Zion Christian Lions Manchester, New Hampshire high school active
Mount Zion Christian Lions Waterford, Michigan high school defunct
Mountain View College Lions Dallas, Texas college active
Mt. Ida Lions Mt. Ida, Arkansas high school active
Multnomah Campus of Jessup University Lions Portland, Oregon college active
Multnomah University Lions Portland, Oregon college defunct
Munford Lions Munford, Alabama high school active
Nassau Community College Lions Garden City, New York college active
Nelson University Lions Waxahachie, Texas college active
Neuse Baptist Christian Lions Raleigh, North Carolina high school active
New Berlin Eisenhower Lions New Berlin, Wisconsin high school active
New Boston Lions New Boston, Texas high school active
New Brighton Lions New Brighton, Pennsylvania high school active
New Covenant Academy Lions Mansfield, Pennsylvania high school active
New Deal Lions New Deal, Texas high school active
New Hope-Solebury Lions New Hope, Pennsylvania high school active
New Jersey Lions , New Jersey Major League Football active
New Jersey Lions Old Bridge, New Jersey Elite Football Association amateur active
New Jersey Lions , New Jersey Big North East Football Federation active
New Life Christian Academy Summersville, West Virginia high school active
New Richmond Lions New Richmond, Ohio high school active
New York Lions Brookville, New York Atlantic Coast Professional Basketball League professional defunct
New York State Lions , New York United States Football Alliance amateur active
Newaygo Lions Newaygo, Michigan high school active
Newcomers Lions Queens, New York high school active
Newton South Lions Newton, Massachusetts high school active
Niobrara Lions Niobrara, Nebraska high school active
North Central Texas College Lions Gainesville, Texas college active
North Hunterdon Lions Annandale, New Jersey high school active
North Idaho Christian Lions Hayden, Idaho high school active
North Seattle Christian Lions Seattle, Washington high school defunct
North Sound Christian Lions Mountlake Terrace, Washington high school active
North Valley Christian Academy Lions Phoenix, Arizona high school active
Northern Valley Lions North American Football League amateur defunct
Northside Christian Lions Westerville, Ohio high school active
Northside Christian Lions Woodstock, Georgia high school active
Northwest Catholic Lions West Hartford, Connecticut high school active
Northwest Lions Cedar Hill, Missouri high school active
Northwest Lions House Springs, Missouri high school active
Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin Lions Chardon, Ohio high school active
Oak Cliff Life Lions Dallas, Texas high school active
Oaks Christian Lions Westlake Village, California high school active
Oakwood Friends Lions Poughkeepsie, New York high school active
Ogilvie Lions Ogilvie, Minnesota high school active
Olin Lions Olin, Iowa high school active
Olin/Oxford Junction Lions Olin, Iowa high school active
Olympic Heights Lions Boca Raton, Florida high school active
Orange Lions Pepper Pike, Ohio high school active
Orange Park Christian Academy Lions Orange Park, Florida high school active
Orlando Lions Orlando, Florida American Soccer League professional defunct
Orlando Lions Orlando, Florida United States Interregional Soccer League professional defunct
Orlando Lions Orlando, Florida USL Premier Development League amateur defunct
Orlando Lions Orlando, Florida A-League/American Professional Soccer League professional defunct
Ouachita Parish Lions Monroe, Louisiana high school active
Our Lady of Grace Lions Argyle, Texas high school active
Our Lady of Grace Lions Denton, Texas high school active
Oviedo Lions Oviedo, Florida high school active
Ozona Lions Ozona, Texas high school active
Paine College Lions Augusta, Georgia college active
Paris Christian Lions Paris, Texas high school active
Paron Lions Paron, Arkansas high school active
Patten University Lions Oakland, California college active
Patterson Institute Lions El Paso, Texas high school active
Payson Lions Payson, Utah high school active
Peachtree Ridge Lions Suwanee, Georgia high school active
Penncrest Lions Media, Pennsylvania high school active
Pennsylvania State University Altoona Lions Altoona, Pennsylvania college active
Pennsylvania State University Behrend Lions Behrend, Pennsylvania college active
Pennsylvania State University Harrisburg Lions Middletown, Pennsylvania college active
Pennsylvania State University New Kensington Lions New Kensington, Pennsylvania college active
Pennsylvania State University Scranton Lions Dunmore, Pennsylvania college active
Pennsylvania State University Shenango Lions Sharon, Pennsylvania college active
Peoria Lions Peoria, Illinois high school active
Phelps Lions Malvern, Pennsylvania high school active
Phillips Exeter Academy Lions Exeter, New Hampshire high school active
Piedmont College Lions Demorest, Georgia college active
Plaza Heights Christian Academy Lions Blue Springs, Missouri high school active
Plaza Lions Plaza, North Dakota high school defunct
Ponder Lions Ponder, Texas high school active
Pope John XXIII Lions Sparta, New Jersey high school active
Pope John XXIII Lions Katy, Texas high school active
Potter's House Christian Academy Lions Jacksonville, Florida high school active
Praise Christian Academy Lions Powder Springs, Georgia high school active
Prattville Lions Prattville, Alabama high school active
Prestonwood Christian Lions Plano, Texas high school active
Providence Academy Lions Plymouth, Minnesota high school active
Providence Academy-Maranatha Christian/Heritage Christian/West Lutheran Lions Plymouth, Minnesota high school active
Providence Academy/Heritage Christian Academy Lions Plymouth, Minnesota high school active
Providence Christian Academy Lions Murfreesboro, Tennessee high school active
Providence Christian Lions Orland, California high school active
Pusch Ridge Christian Academy Lions Tucson, Arizona high school active
Queen Anne Lions Upper Marlboro, Maryland high school active
Queen Anne's County Lions Centreville, Maryland high school active
R.J. Kirksey Lions Aliceville, Alabama high school defunct
Radiance Academy Lions San Antonio, Texas high school active
Raleigh Lions Raleigh, Mississippi high school active
Reading Lions Reading, Kansas high school defunct
Red Bank Lions Chattanooga, Tennessee high school active
Red Lion Lions Red Lion, Pennsylvania high school active
Redding Christian Lions Redding, California high school active
Reedy Lions Frisco, Texas high school active
Restoration Christian Lions Sellersburg, Indiana high school active
Richmond Hill Lions Richmond Hill, New York high school active
Ridgeville Christian Lions Springboro, Ohio high school active
Ridgewood Christian Lions Port Arthur, Texas high school active
River Of Life Christian Lions Payette, Idaho high school active
Rivermont Collegiate Lions Bettendorf, Iowa high school active
Roby Lions Roby, Texas high school active
Rock Creek Academy Lions Sellersburg, Indiana high school active
Rock Lions Gainesville, Florida high school active
Rock Rapids Lions Rock Rapids, Iowa high school defunct
Rogers Lions Rogers, Arkansas Arkansas-Missouri League professional defunct
Rosa Fort Lions Tunica, Mississippi high school active
Roselle Catholic Lions Roselle, New Jersey high school active
Roxton Lions Roxton, Texas high school active
Rushville Lions Rushville, Indiana high school active
Sacred Heart Lions Vineland, New Jersey high school active
Saint Lawrence Lions Quebec City, Quebec Northern Junior Hockey League amateur defunct
Saint Leo University Lions Saint Leo, Florida college active
Salem Lions Salem, Indiana high school active
Salina Emmanuel Christian Lions Salina, Kansas high school defunct
Saltillo Lions Saltillo, Texas high school active
Saluda Lions Saluda, Indiana high school defunct
San Antonio Christian Lions San Antonio, Texas high school active
San Antonio Lions San Antonio, Texas North American Basketball League professional active
San Diego Jewish Academy Lions San Diego, California high school active
Santa Rosa Christian Lions Santa Rosa, California high school active
Santa Rosa Lions Santa Rosa, New Mexico high school active
Sardis Lions Boaz, Alabama high school active
Schaeffer Academy Lions Rochester, Minnesota high school active
Scotts Hill Lions Reagan, Tennessee high school active
Searcy Lions Searcy, Arkansas high school active
Section Lions Section, Alabama high school active
SEK Preparatory International Lions Boca Raton, Florida high school active
Selby Area Lions Selby, South Dakota high school active
Selby Lions Selby, South Dakota high school defunct
Senath Lions Senath, Missouri high school defunct
Senath-Hornersville Lions Senath, Missouri high school active
Shekinah Christian Academy Lions Jacksonville, Florida high school active
Shenandoah Baptist Academy Lions Cleveland, Tennessee high school active
Sherman Lions Sherman, Texas Western Association professional defunct
Shining Mountain Lions Boulder, Colorado high school active
Shining Mountain Waldorf Lions Boulder, Colorado high school active
Shreveport Red River Lions , Louisiana Southern American Football League active
Shreveport/Bossier Lions Shreveport, Louisiana United Soccer Leagues-Division 2 professional defunct
Sinai Lions Sinai, South Dakota high school defunct
Snohomish County Christian Lions Mountlake Terrace, Washington high school active
Soka University Lions Aliso Viejo, California college active
Solomon Schechter of Westchester Lions Hartsdale, New York high school active
Somerset Academy - Losee Lions North Las Vegas, Nevada high school active
South Bend LaSalle Lions South Bend, Indiana high school defunct
South Coffeyville Lions South Coffeyville, Oklahoma high school active
South Fayette Lions McDonald, Pennsylvania high school active
South Fulton Lions East Point, Georgia high school defunct
South Lyon Lions South Lyon, Michigan high school active
South Texas Lions , Texas Minor Professional Football League professional active
South Texas Lions Orange Grove, Texas Texas United Football League professional active
Southeastern Louisiana University Lions Hammond, Louisiana college active
Southwest Christian Academy Lions Little Rock, Arkansas high school active
Southwestern Assemblies of God University Lions Waxahachie, Texas college defunct
Spring Grove Lions Spring Grove, Minnesota high school active
Spring Lions Spring, Texas high school active
St. Andrew's Episcopal Academy Lions high school active
St. Andrew's Episcopal Lions Potomac, Maryland high school active
St. Croix Prep Lions Stillwater, Minnesota high school active
St. Helens Lions St. Helens, Oregon high school active
St. John Paul II Lions Avondale, Arizona high school active
St. John the Baptist College Prep Lions St. Louis, Missouri high school active
St. Joseph Christian Lions St. Joseph, Missouri high school active
St. Leo Lions Detroit, Michigan high school defunct
St. Leo's Lions Minot, North Dakota high school defunct
St. Louis Lions Cottleville, Missouri USL Premier Development League amateur defunct
St. Mark's Lions Dallas, Texas high school active
St. Mark's Lions Southborough, Massachusetts high school active
St. Paul's Prep Lions Phoenix, Arizona high school defunct
St. Viator Lions Arlington Heights, Illinois high school active
Statesville Christian Lions Statesville, North Carolina high school active
Stratford Public Lions North Stratford, New Hampshire high school active
Sturgis Lions Sturgis, Mississippi high school defunct
Sulphur Springs Lions Sulphur Springs, Texas East Texas League professional defunct
Sunnybrook Christian Lions San Antonio, Texas high school active
Suomi College Lions Hancock, Michigan college defunct
Sweethaven Christian Academy Lions Portsmouth, Virginia high school active
Swenson Arts & Technology Lions Philadelphia, Pennsylvania high school active
Swink Lions Swink, Colorado high school active
Tallwood Lions Virginia Beach, Virginia high school active
Tarbut V'torah Lions Irvine, California high school active
Teague Lions Teague, Texas high school active
Teays Valley Christian Lions Scott Depot, West Virginia high school active
Teleos Preparatory Academy Lions Phoenix, Arizona high school active
Texas A&M University-Commerce Lions Commerce, Texas college defunct
The College of New Jersey Lions Ewing, New Jersey college active
The Daniel Academy Lions Kansas City, Missouri high school defunct
The King's Academy Lions Florence, South Carolina high school active
The King's Academy Lions West Palm Beach, Florida high school active
Topeka-Tilton Lions Monticello, Mississippi high school defunct
Toronto Lions Toronto, Ontario Ontario Hockey Association professional defunct
Trinity Bible College Lions Ellendale, North Dakota college active
Trinity Christian Academy Lions Jackson, Tennessee high school active
Trinity Christian Lions Sharpsburg, Georgia high school active
Trinity Christian Lions Lubbock, Texas high school active
Trinity Fellowship Christian Lions Amarillo, Texas high school active
Trinity Lutheran Lions Newport News, Virginia high school active
Trinity-Pawling Lions Pawling, New York high school active
Trois-RiviĆØres Lions Trois-RiviĆØres, Quebec East Coast Hockey League professional active
Trois-Rivieres Lions Trois-Rivieres, Quebec Eastern Professional Hockey League professional defunct
Trois-Rivieres Lions Trois-Rivieres, Quebec Quebec Senior Hockey League professional defunct
Turner Lions Carrollton, Texas high school active
Tuscumbia Lions Tuscumbia, Missouri high school active
Tyler Lions Tyler, Texas high school active
Union Grove Lions Gladewater, Texas high school active
United Lions Armagh, Pennsylvania high school active
University City Lions St. Louis, Missouri high school active
University of Arkansas-Fort Smith Lions Fort Smith, Arkansas college active
University of North Alabama Lions Florence, Alabama college active
Upper Columbia Academy Lions Spangle, Washington high school active
Urban Prep Charter Lions Chicago, Illinois high school active
Ursuline Academy Lions Cincinnati, Ohio high school active
Ursuline Academy Lions New Orleans, Louisiana high school active
Valley Christian Academy Lions Roswell, New Mexico high school active
Valley Christian Academy Lions Santa Maria, California high school active
Valley Christian Lions Roseville, California high school active
Valley Grande Adventist Academy Lions Weslaco, Texas high school active
Valley Lions Bakersfield, California high school active
Vanguard University Lions Costa Mesa, California college active
Veritas Lions Jackson, Mississippi high school active
Vernon Lions Vernon, Texas high school active
Versailles Lions Versailles, Indiana high school defunct
Victory Christian Academy Lions Hibbing, Minnesota high school active
Victory Christian Lions Pell City, Alabama high school active
Vinton Lions Vinton, Louisiana high school active
Virginia Lions , Virginia Alliance Football League defunct
Virginia Lions Sterling, Virginia high school active
Waco Lions Waco, Texas high school active
Walker Baptist Lions Augusta, Georgia high school defunct
Walkersville Lions Walkersville, Maryland high school active
Wallace State Community College-Hanceville Lions Hanceville, Alabama college active
Warhill Lions Williamsburg, Virginia high school active
Washington Latin Charter Lions Washington, D.C. high school active
Washington Lions Washington, D.C. Eastern Hockey League professional defunct
Washington Lions Washington, D.C. American Hockey League professional defunct
Washington Lions New Orleans, Louisiana high school active
Washington Lions Shreveport, Louisiana high school active
Washington School for the Blind Lions Vancouver, Washington high school active
Wayne County Lions Jesup, Georgia high school defunct
Weatherford Christian Lions Weatherford, Texas high school active
Weir Lions Weir, Mississippi high school defunct
Wellsville Lions Wellsville, New York high school active
West Boylston Lions West Boylston, Massachusetts high school active
West Boylston/Tahanto Lions West Boylston, Massachusetts high school active
West Charlotte Lions Charlotte, North Carolina high school active
West End Lions Birmingham, Alabama high school defunct
West Islip Lions West Islip, New York high school active
West Linn Lions West Linn, Oregon high school active
West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and Blind Lions Romney, West Virginia high school active
Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf Lions Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania high school active
Westlake Lions Atlanta, Georgia high school active
Westmark Lions Encino, California high school active
Westminster Academy Lions Fort Lauderdale, Florida high school active
Westminster Christian Academy Lions Watkinsville, Georgia high school active
Westminster Lions Westminster, California high school active
Westside Lions Lincolnton, Georgia high school defunct
Wheeler Lions North Stonington, Connecticut high school active
Whitestone Lions Delta Junction, Alaska high school active
William Penn Lions Philadelphia, Pennsylvania high school active
Williamson Lions Mobile, Alabama high school active
Yates Lions Houston, Texas high school active
Yerington Lions Yerington, Nevada high school active
Yeshiva Lions Atlanta, Georgia high school active
Yeshiva University for Boys Lions New York, New York high school active
York University Lions Toronto, Ontario college active
Zion Lutheran Lions Deerfield Beach, Florida high school active